Hey there, ever wondered where our help really comes from?
In a world that prides itself on self-reliance, asking for help can sometimes feel like a weakness. But let’s be honest, asking for help is actually a wonderful gift. So, who or what are we turning to for help today?
I’ve struggled with asking for help since I was a kid. Growing up, whenever I asked for help, I was often met with negative reactions, making me feel like I should’ve known better. This made me feel like a burden.
These experiences have shaped how I navigate life now. Even today, I find myself double- and triple-checking everything before asking for help. Why? Because I fear looking stupid. But the truth is, this pride in doing it all alone stems from my own insecurities.
These are the scars I carry from my upbringing. But here’s the good news – there’s hope. This doesn’t have to be my story forever. God has been healing my heart and teaching me to be more open about asking for help.
The key isn’t just about asking for help from people around me, although that’s crucial. It’s about recognizing that God is my constant helper and seeking Him in everything. Sure, it’s easy to call on God for the big stuff, but I’ve learned to seek His help in the little things too. If it matters to me, it matters to God.
By letting go of the need to do everything on my own, I’ve found true peace in God. He has lifted the burden of self-sufficiency from my shoulders, and I now rest in the knowledge that my help comes from Him. I always believed it was possible, but it never felt real until now.
Psalm 121:1-2
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
God, the Creator of heaven and earth, knows every detail of our lives. He understands our deepest needs and wants us to turn to Him. This assurance helps us be certain of where our help comes from. He is our Creator.
Romans 8:27 (NLT)
“And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”
When we let go of our pride and the need to be in control, we can live in His abundant grace. Knowing that our help comes from Him means trusting that He knows better than we do. He understands our needs and timing perfectly. Place your trust in Him.
Have you been asking for help? Or do you find yourself carrying the burden of everything in your life? Take a moment to reflect on what you need to bring to God. Identify areas where you feel overwhelmed. Let what we’ve discussed here transform your view on seeking His help.